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Heartbeat – A Yoga Symphony Mixtape

erhältlich über amazon, thalia, Book On Demand

Paperback / E-book  ISBN-13: 9783734743962

Your heartbeat is an experimental poetical symphony mixtape. Your own heart and life process is a felt experience of what the transformative force and tool of yoga can and could be(come) for you and others. This book is connecting threads of yoga’s creative sparks to encourage everyone to follow their heartbeats and visions. It is encouraging you to live your life aligned to your heartbeat and as a creative experiment. It is dedicated to the art of creating something from nothing, dedicated to music and and all art forms. It is dedicated to your truth. May you be supported on your path, while you keep listening to and following your heartbeats.

“Yoga should in the end be completely open-source, where open-source is the medium of empathy, so that everyone can read the code, reflect each other’s creations, and alter it towards their novel applications.…..Nobody has the truth. Truth is the product of sharing what seems to be true. We all inquire into yoga.” (p.68 ‘Threads of yoga’ – a remix of patanjalis sutras with commentary and reverie by Matthew Remski)